Malawi, Embassy in Cairo  of the Republic of  Â
Villa 1, Road 82, Maadi, CairoÂ
Tel: + 202-25197184Â Â Â

Malaysia, Embassy of
Building 2305, Road 2830, Block 428, Seef District,
P.O. Box 18292, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: 17564551, Fax:17564552
Mali, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Riyadh 11693Â Â Â
Tel: +966-14195640; Fax:+ 966-14195016
Malta, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
7733, Abbas Al Rasheedi Street, Olaya, Riyadh 11693Â Â
P. O. Box 94361, Riyadh;Â Â Â Â
Tel: +966-14632345; Fax: + 966-14633993
Mauritania, Embassy in Riyadh of the Islamic Republic of
Al Aliya Area, Riyadh 11693Â Â Â Â Â
Tel: +966-14632704; Fax: +966-14658355
Mauritius, Embassy in Cairo of the Republic of
156 El Sudan Street, Mohandessen, Giza
Tel: + 20-37618102; Fax: +20-37624914
Mexico, Embassy in Riyadh  of the Republic of
Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh 11693Â Â
Tel: 966-14808822; Fax:+ 966-14808833
Montenegro, Embassy in Abu Dhabi of
Road29, Al Musharraf.
Tel: + 9712-4418901; Fax: + 9712-4418900

Morocco, Embassy of the Kingdom of
Villa 2743, Road 2771, Block 327 Manama,
P. O. Box 26229, Adleya, Bahrain.
Tel: 17180444, Fax:17180555.
Myanmar, Embassy in Kuwait of the Union of
Villa 28, Street 44, Block 5,
Al Zahra Area, Kuwait
Tel: + 965-25240736; Fax: + 965-25240749
Nepal, Embassy of the Republic of
Villa 2397 Road 2437 Block 324,
Juffair, Manama, Bahrain.
Tel:17725583, Fax:17720787
Netherlands, Counsular Agency of the Kingdom of
10th floor, AlMatrook Building, Diplomatic AreaÂ
P. O. Box 11544, Bahrain,
Tel: 17530704; Fax: 17537040
Netherlands, Embassy in Kuwait of the Kingdom of the
Area 9, Street 1 House 76Â , Jaberiah
Tel+ 965-25312650; Fax:+965-25326334
New Zealand, Embassy of
Diplomatic Quarter, 11693, Riyadh,
PO Box 94 397, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Tel:+966-1-488-7988; Fax:+966-1-488-7912,
New Zealand, Embassy in Riyadh ofÂ
Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: +966-14887988; Fax: + 966-14887912
Niger, Embassy in Kuwait  of the Republic of   Â
Hawli, 32059, Kuwait.
Tel: + 965-25652943; Fax: +965-25640478
Nigeria, Embassy in Kuwait of the Federal Republic of
House 4, Block 3, Street 17, Mishref.
P. O. Box 33092, KuwaitÂ
Tel: + 965-25379541; Fax: + 965-25387719
Norway, Consular Agency of the Royal Kingdom of
No. 5, Gate 301, Road 4306,
Mina Salman Industrial area
Tel: +9712-6211221; Fax:+9712-621333
Norway, Embassy in Abu Dhabi of the Kingdom of
1003 Al Masood Tower, Hamdan St., Abu DhabiÂ
P. O. Box 47270, Abudhabi Â
Tel: + 9712-4038400; Fax: + 9712-4038401

Oman, Embassy of the Sultanate of
Bldg. No. 37, Road No. 1901, Block 319,
Diplomatic Area,P.O. Box 26414,
Adliya, Bahrain.
Tel:17293663, Fax: 17293540.