Hungary, Consular Agency of the Republic of
Turk Garden, House 2030, Road 3378, Block 533, Saar  Â
Tel: 17694115/ 33339083; Fax: 17694115
email: balazs@garamvolgyi.com
Albania, Consulate of the Republic of
Al Zayani 8th Floor, Building 419, Road 1705,
Block 317, P.O.Box 5553, Manama, Bahrain.
Tel:17530808; Fax:17530818;
Australia, Consulate of
Consulate of Responsible Mission- VFS Global-Abu Dhabi
Visa Application Centre WAFI Mall, 3rd Floor,
Falcon, Phase 2 Umm Hurair 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: 971- 4 -205 5900/ 971 45087200 (Visa Office)
Fax: 971- 4-3550708 (Visa Office)

Canada, Honorary Consulate of
Al Jasra Tower, 10th Floor, Building 95,
Road 1702, Block 317
P. O. Box 2397, Manama, Bahrain
Tel: 17536270, Fax: 17532520.
email: canadabh@zubipartners.com;

Cyprus,General Consular Agency of the Republic of
Office No 1, Bldg 1455, Road 256, Block 502, Jannusan. P.O. Box 5632, Manama, Bahrain.
Tel: 17598800, Fax: 17598801

Eritrea, Consulate General of
Villa 426, Road 3208, Manama 426,
P.O.Box 54017, Area 332, Road 3208, Manama, Baharin.
Tel: 17721817, Fax:17721287

Hellenic Republic (Greece), Honorary Consulate of the
Office No 1, Bldg 1455, Road 256,
Block 502, Jannusan.
P.O. Box 5632, Manama, Bahrain.
Tel: 17598800, Fax: 17598801
Ireland,Honorary Consulate of the Republic of
Building No. 1110, Road 4225, Juffair Ave. 342Â Â
P.O. Box 2244, Juffair
Manama , Bahrain
Tel: +973-17728555; Fax: +973-17728400
email: irishconsulate@batelco.com.bh
Danish, Consular Agency  of Royal
Suite 11, 1st Floor, Sh. Rashid Commercial Complex,
Lulu Ave Lulu Avenue, Manama.
P. O. Box 11273, Manama, Bahrain
Tel: + 973-17216473, Fax: +973-17216468.
email: info@bardurylimited.com
Netherlands, Counsular Agency of the Kingdom of
10th floor, AlMatrook Building, Diplomatic AreaÂ
P. O. Box 11544, Bahrain,
Tel: 17530704; Fax: 17537040
Norway, Consular Agency of the Royal Kingdom of
No. 5, Gate 301, Road 4306,
Mina Salman Industrial area
Tel: +9712-6211221; Fax:+9712-621333
Portugal, Honorary Consulate of
Office 34, Road 301, Mahazza 603,
Sitra Industrial Area-Opp. Entrance#3
(Inside Nada Dairy Company),
P.O. Box 75012, Bahrain.
Tel: 17456688, Fax: 17456622
Sunday to Thursday @ 10:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m.

Spain, Honorary Consulate of
Orchid Dream Tower, 11th floor, Office 111,
Building 474, Road 1010, Bloc 410, Sanabis.
P.O. Box: 10871, Manama, Bahrain
Tel: 17380285, Fax: 17580048
email: shcbahrain@batelco.com.bh
Switzerland, Consulate General of
Bahrain World Trade Center ,West Tower 28th Floor -
King Faisal Highway Area 316 - Manama
P.O. Box 795, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel:17517780, Fax:17531158; (M)39446100,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP/ROWA)
Beit Al-Tujjar, 11th floor, Seef Area,
Chamber of Commerce Building 519,
Road 1010, Block 410, Seef Area
P. O.Box 10880, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Tel:17812777/36084422; Fax:17825110
United Nations House- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-UN
House 69, Hoora 319, Road 1901,
P.O.Box 26814 Kingdom of Bahrain.
Tel 17311600/17721817, Fax:17311500

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
Investment and Technology Promotion Office,
Flat171, Bldg. 190 , Road 2803 , Block 428
12th Floor ,Platinum Tower Bid, Seef Area ,
P.O.Box 10523, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Tel: 17536881, Fax:17536883.

United Nations Information Centre(UNIC)
UN House, Bldg 69, Road 1901, Block 319, Hoora.
P O Box 26004, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: 17311676; Fax:17311692.
email: unic.manama@unic.org;
Indonesia, Consulate of the Republic ofÂ
Villa 860, Road 3117, Zinj 331.
P. O. Box 75109, Manama, Bahrain
Tel: +973- 17233875; Fax: + 973-17233786
Swiss Confederation, Embassy (in Kuwait)Â of the
House 122, St. 1, Block 2, Qortoba
P. O. Box 23954, Kuwait
Tel: +965-25340172, Fax:+965-25340176
email: kow.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
Belarus, Embassy in Abu Dhabi of the Republic of
Villa 2 , Manasir Area, Suwq Area ,
East 19, Plot NO.111 , Â Abu Dhabi ,
Tel: + 9712-4453399, Fax: +9712-4451131
email: uae@mfa.gov.by
Chad, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Riyadh 11693Â Â Â Â
Tel: + 966-14055999;Â
Fax: + 966-14050403
email: ambryade@yahoo.com
Czech Republic, Embassy in Riyadh of the
Al Nuzha District , Saad Bin Gharir St., Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14503617, Fax: + 966-14509879
email: riyadh@embassy.mzv.cz
Korea, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh 11693Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Tel: +966-14882211; Fax: +966-14881317
email: emsaudi@yahoo.co.kr
Korea, Embassy in Kuwait of the Democratic People’s Republic of
House 55, Street 1, Block 5, SurraÂ
Tel: + 965-25329462; Fax+ 965-25351097
email: kwtprk@gmail.com
Georgia, Embassy in Kuwait of the Republic of
Villa 6, Street 1, Avenue 3, Block 2, Qortuba   Â
Tel: + 965-25352909; Fax: 965-25354707
Djibouti, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Asad bin Abdulla street,
Quarter Al-woroud,
Riyadh 11693Â Â Â
Tel: + 966-14543583;
Fax: + 966-14569168
email: djibouti_riyad@hotmail.com
Danish, Embassy in Riyadh of Royal
Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14880101; Fax:+ 966-14881366
Romania, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Villa no.9 , W(14/1) plot 13Â ,
AlRodha Area ,2nd street , Abu Dhabi , Â
Post Box 70416 ,Abudhabi
Tel: + 9714-459919;Fax: +9714-461143
Zimbabwe, Embassy in Kuwait of the Republic of
House 8, Street 6, Block 9, Salwa Â
Tel: + 965-25621517; Fax: + 965-25621491
email: zimkuwait2010@hotmail.com
Sri Lanka , Embassy in Kuwait of the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Building 1, Block 10, Street 107, Al Jabriya             Â
Tel: + 96525339140; Fax:+965-25339154
Gabon, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of the
Al Moursalat Quarter, Bin Toufel Street, Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: +966-14567173; Fax:+ 966-14536121
Slovak Republic, Embassy in Kuwait of the
Villa 22,Steert 16,Block 2,Surra, Safat 13123
P. O. Box 26222, Kuwait       Â
Tel: + 965-25353895Â Â Â Fax: + 965-25353894
email: emb.kuwait@mzv.sk
Singapore, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Diplomatic Area, Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14803855; Fax: +966-14830632
email: singcmb_ruh@sgmfa.gov.sg
Ghana, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of         Â
Riyadh 11693Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Tel: + 966-14545122;Â Fax: + 966-14509819
email: ghanaemb@naseej.com
Sweden, Embassy in Abu Dhabi of the Kingdom of
Floor 12 , Otaiba Tower, Electra Street, Abudhabi
P. O. Box 31867, Abudhabi.    Â
Tel: + 9712-4178800; Fax: + 9712-4178850
email: ambassaden.abudhabi@foreign.ministry.se
Guinea, Embassy in Abu Dhabi  of the Republic of
Al Najda,Street,Al Safa Bldg.,Supermarkeet , Abu Dhabi
P. O. Box 93558 , Abudhabi.   Â
Tel: +9712-6735551; Fax: + 9712-6735558
Venezuela, Embassy in Riyadh  of the Bolivarian Republic of
Al Kindy Area , Next to the Culture Palace , Parking 13, Office 57 , DQ. Fazari Sector , Block 2, Riyadh 11693
Tel: + 966-14807141; Fax:+ 966-14800901
email: embvenar@embvenar.org.sa
Sierra Leone, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
25 Al Farouki Street , Off Zuhair Bin Abi Salma Street ,
Al Maseef DistrictÂ
Tel: + 966-14941353; Fax: + 966-14537339
email: slriyadh@foreignaffairs.gov.sl
Finland, Embassy in Abu Dhabi of the Republic of
Flat 1202, Hamdan Street, Al Masood Tower Abu DhabiÂ
P. O. Box 3634, Abudhabi,
Tel: + 971-50-6129568;Â Fax: + 9712-6658444
Serbia, Embassy in Kuwait of the Republic of
Villa 3, Street 12, Block 7, Al Jabriya
P. O. Box 20511, Kuwait.
Tel: + 965-25327548; Fax: + 965-25327549
Kazakhstan, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Diplomatic Quarter - Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14806406; Fax: +966-14809106
email: office@kazembgulf.net
Cameroon, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14880022; Fax: + 966-14881463
Somalia, Embassy in Riyadh  of the Republic of
Alworod DistricAlwt, Riyadh 11693Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
P. O. Box 94372, Riyadh       Â
Tel: +96614632774; Fax: +96614649705
Croatia, Embassy in Cairo of the Republic of
3 Abou El Feda Street, Zamalek   Â
Tel: +202-7383155; Fax: + 202-7355812
email: croemb.cairo@mvpei.br
Cambodia, Royal Embassy in Kuwait of     Â
Villa 24 - 25, Street 1, Block 1, Surra    Â
Tel: +965-25310029; Fax: + 965-25310026
Canada, Embassy in Riyadh of
Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: +966-14882288; Fax: +966-14881997
email: ryadh@international.gc.ca
Cuba, Embassy in Kuwait of the Republic of     Â
Al Olaya,Al Souban St.House No.30. Corner Prince Mansour Bin Abdulaziz , KSA.
Tel+ 966-14611978;Â Fax: + 966-14664612
Cote D’ Ivoire, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
Hittin aream , Yathreeb St..Riyadh 11693Â
Tel: + 966-14708499; Fax: + 966-14708507
Malta, Embassy in Riyadh of the Republic of
7733, Abbas Al Rasheedi Street, Olaya, Riyadh 11693Â Â
P. O. Box 94361, Riyadh;Â Â Â Â
Tel: +966-14632345; Fax: + 966-14633993